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FileAIB bank statment (1).pdf2021-04-07 10:03 846k
FileAIB bank statment (2).pdf2021-04-07 10:03 591k
FileAIB bank statment (3).pdf2021-04-07 10:04 1987k
FileAIB bank statment (4).pdf2021-04-07 10:04 2039k
FileAlfalah bank statment (1).pdf2021-04-07 10:04 675k
FileAlfalah bank statment (2).pdf2021-04-07 10:04 1199k
FileAudited Financial report for the year 2019.pdf2021-04-10 07:20 965k
FileAudited finanical report 2020.pdf2021-04-07 09:16 6912k
FileAudited finanical statement 2021.pdf2021-04-07 09:16 5186k
FileBylaw 1.pdf2021-04-07 10:28 127k
FileBylaws 2.pdf2021-04-07 10:28 121k
FileBylaws 3.pdf2021-04-07 10:28 112k
FileBylaws 4.pdf2021-04-07 10:28 127k
FileCash confirmation.pdf2021-04-07 09:18 139k
FileCash Flow - Tarhe Naw Food Industries company ( Second request).xlsx2021-04-10 05:44 46k
FileCash in hand.pdf2021-04-07 10:08 1137k
FileCash transaction.pdf2021-04-07 09:18 1137k
FileContract with wheat suplier.pdf2021-04-07 09:19 1215k
FileDetails of account payable from Tarhe Naw.pdf2021-04-10 06:08 62k
[IMG]Guarantor license Rastin Moaphagh Ltd.jpg2021-04-10 07:19 104k
[IMG]Guarantor Tazkera 1.jpg2021-04-10 07:19 144k
[IMG]Guarantor Tazkera 2.jpg2021-04-10 07:19 100k
[IMG]ISO certificate (1).jpg2021-04-07 09:30 43k
[IMG]ISO certificate (2).jpg2021-04-07 09:30 55k
[IMG]ISO certificate (3).jpg2021-04-07 09:30 51k
FileNEW FACATORY MACHINERY LIST.pdf2021-04-07 09:20 140k
FileNote of Award Tarhe Naw Food Industries Co.pdf2021-04-18 07:07 448k
[IMG]Pictured from the company's stock (1).jpg2021-04-10 10:15 117k
[IMG]Pictured from the company's stock (2).jpg2021-04-10 10:15 111k
[IMG]Pictured from the company's stock (3).jpg2021-04-10 10:15 114k
[IMG]Pictured from the company's stock (4).jpg2021-04-10 10:15 141k
[IMG]Pictured from the company's stock (5).jpg2021-04-10 10:16 99k
[IMG]Pictured from the company's stock (6).jpg2021-04-10 10:16 148k
[IMG]Pictured from the company's stock (7).jpg2021-04-10 10:16 114k
[IMG]Pictured from the company's stock (8).jpg2021-04-10 10:16 110k
[IMG]Pictured from the company's stock (9).jpg2021-04-10 10:16 90k
[IMG]Pictures from new building (1).jpg2021-04-07 09:30 85k
[IMG]Pictures from new machinery (2).jpg2021-04-07 09:30 98k
[IMG]Pictures from new machinery (3).jpg2021-04-07 09:31 76k
[IMG]Pictures from new machinery (4).jpg2021-04-07 09:31 67k
[IMG]Pictures from new machinery (6).jpg2021-04-07 09:31 101k
FileRequest letter from TN Food Industries Company.pdf2021-04-07 09:21 383k
FileSample of contract and bill for recipt of wheat.pdf2021-04-07 09:21 1216k
FileSarafi statment.pdf2021-04-07 09:21 166k
FileSharia Qabala 1.pdf2021-04-07 10:49 487k
FileSharia Qabala 2.pdf2021-04-07 10:49 530k
FileSharia Qabala 3.pdf2021-04-07 10:49 503k
FileTarhe Naw Food Industries wakala agreement ( April,2021).docx2021-04-26 04:44 69k
FileTarhe Naw President Tazkera Ahmad Sohail.pdf2021-04-07 09:21 110k
FileTarhe Naw second Loan Application April 2016.xls2021-05-17 10:56 74k
FileUpdated business license of Tarhe Naw company.pdf2021-04-07 06:38 333k
FileVice president Tazkera Updated.pdf2021-04-07 06:38 114k
FileWakalat khat updated.pdf2021-04-07 09:21 972k
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